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Code Signing Certificates

Protect employees and customers from compromised software and malicious attacks.

Providing Trust in the digital age

Today, all software is downloaded online, and the risk that code has been compromised or tampered with is real. A Code Signing Certificate plays a crucial role in providing trust and giving users the confidence that the software they are downloading is genuine and comes from a trusted source

Eliminate security warnings & boost downloads

A Code Signing certificate provides developers and publishers the opportunity to offer software that is authenticated and validated. Code Signing includes your digital signature, the name of the individual or organization, and if desired, a timestamp.

Most major platforms and operating systems will show error messages for software that is not signed with a certificate issued by a trusted CA (Certificate Authority).

How Code Signing works

Code Signing is the process of digitally signing applications and scripts to confirm authorship and integrity.

Like other PKI technologies, Code Signing Certificates include a public key and a private key.

The private key is used to sign the code digitally. The public key is used to confirm the signature. A Code Signing workflow’s security and integrity rely on developers securing their private keys against unauthorized access.

Become a trusted developer

When you download software online, browsers and operating systems typically display a warning message stating the possible dangers of downloading or that the publisher is “unknown.”

With a Code Signing certificate, your software or application is identified as coming from a trusted source — you.

Ensure code integrity

How do you protect your employees and customers from code that has been tampered with?

Code Signing ensures that any piece of code you sign has not been altered and is trustworthy for its intended purpose. Any tampering or alteration to the original code results invalidates the digital signature.

Advanced Code Signing

For mission-critical applications like banking, hardware drivers, and confidential applications, we offer advanced Extended Validation (EV) Code Signing certificates.

EV Code Signing certificates are packed with additional features, including two-factor authentication, passing reputation filters, and HSM and DSS support.

For User, Device and Email certificates (S/mime solutions)

Trusted Digital Signature

Code Signing is the process of digitally signing applications and scripts to confirm authorship and integrity.

Key benefits

Supports all major platforms

Including Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, Java, Mozilla and, Android

Advanced Code Signing

Get EV Code Signing Certificates

Bypass browser and OS warnings

Distribute software and
applications successfully over the internet

Top-Rated Tech. Support

Unlimited technical customer support included

Timestamp enabled

Continue operation even after the Code Signing certificate has expired

Instant reputation

Remove scary warning messages for end users

Compare Code Signing Certificates

TypeMost Popular
EV Code Signing
Standard Code Signing
Encrypted digital signature
Requires a rigorous extended validation of the organization
Immediate reputation with Microsoft SmartScreen
Requires two-factor authentication using a hardware token
Private key storage optionsHSM (included)HSM (optional)
PricingContact UsContact Us

Code Signing Features

Most Popular

EV Code Signing

Standard Code Signing

Encrypted digital signature

Requires a rigorous extended validation of the organization

Immediate reputation with Microsoft SmartScreen

Requires two-factor authentication using a hardware token

Private key storage options

HSM (included)

HSM (optional)

FAQ – Code Signing Certificates

What is a code signing certificate?

A code signing certificate is a digital certificate that is used to authenticate the identity of the software publisher and to provide integrity for the software code. Learn more about code signing here.

How does Code Signing work?

Generally, A Code Signing Certificate is built on the term “Public Key Infrastructure” (PKI) like SSL certificates, which includes a public key and a private key. A Private Key is used to sign the data, and the use of a public key is to confirm the sign of the data.

With the sign of software code, you can timestamp your code to avoid annoying expiry of the digital certificate. Users can trust signed software and they can download it easily, also increases reliability among software users.

A Code Signing software is useful to sign content like software objects, configuration files, manual, virus updates, device drivers, and similar.

What Code Signing looks like?

If you’ve ever seen that little popup that comes up when you try to run a program you’ve downloaded, the one that lists who the publisher is and asks “Are you sure you want to run this application?” then you have seen code signing in action.

That dialogue box is telling you that it really is a software patch for your PC or your Mac and that it’s still in the same condition it was when they signed it.

How does a code signing certificate work?

A code signing certificate is used to digitally sign a software application. The digital signature provides validation that the software has not been altered and confirms the identity of the publisher.

Why is code signing important?

Code signing is important because it helps protect users by ensuring that the software they download and install has not been tampered with and is from a trusted publisher.

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