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Site Seals – Introduction & Installation Instructions

Site Seals are images that can be placed on a website to indicate that it is secure and trustworthy.


Site Seals are important because they provide a visual indicator that a website is protected by a SSL/TLS certificate. Somehow necessary these days, as the well-known padlock no longer is a visible proof that a website is encrypted. This is somehow necessary these days, as the well-known padlock no longer is a visible proof that a website is encrypted.

Adding a Secure Site Seal to your website will provide immediate trust benefits, like:

  • Boosts trust in a website.
  • Confirms the online business has been authenticated by a trusted Certificate Authority.
  • Provides visitors the confidence to complete transactions.
  • Converts browsing visitors into paying customers.

How to install your Site Seal:

Copy and paste the following script into the HTML source of your site.

<div id='ss_gmo_globalsign_secured_site_seal' oncontextmenu='return false;' style='width:100px; height:50px'>
<img id='ss_gmo_globalsign_img' src=' ' alt='' onclick='ss_open_profile()' style='cursor:pointer; border:0; width:100%' >
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
let s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = '';

Note: It’s easy to change the size of the Site Seal by changing the pixels in the script, marked in bold.

FAQs about Site Seal Labeling and Specifications

Will the seal appear immediately?

It may take up to 30 minutes from the time your SSL/TLS certificate is installed until the Site Seal is displayed.

When I renew my certificate, how long does it take for the information to be updated?

It will be updated within 30 minutes after your new SSL/TLS certificate has been installed.

What languages are supported?














English (Hong Kong SAR)

English (Singapore)

Chinese (Traditional)

Chinese (Simplified)

Jon Tittmann

Vetting/Support Team Lead & OpEx

Jon has been an integral part of TRUSTZONE for the past six years, during which he has acquired substantial expertise in the cyber security field. As the team leader for our support team, he possesses a profound understanding of the sector, enabling him to resolve even the most complex challenges within the certificate industry effectively.

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