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How to Generate a CSR for a Microsoft Exchange 2010 Web Server

Read this guide on how to Generate a CSR for a Microsoft Exchange 2010 Web Server

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console and then select Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console
  2. Select Manage Databases
  3. Select Server Configuration on the left menu. Select New Exchange Certificate from the actions menu on the right
  4. When prompted for a friendly name, enter a name by which you can easily remember and identify this certificate. This name is used for reference only (it is not part of the CSR)
  5. Under Domain Scope, select Next. Note: We advise against using a Wildcard certificate, however, if you do select that box for a wildcard, move to step 7
  6. In the Exchange Configuration menu, select the services that will be secured, and enter the names through which you connect to those services
  7. At the next screen, you will be able to review a list of the names which Exchange 2010 suggests you include in your certificate request. Your Organization should be the full legal name of your company as officially registered. Your Organization Unit is your department within the organization responsible for SSL. If you do not have a state/province, enter the city information again
  8. Click Browse to save the CSR to your computer as a .req file. Please note where the file is being saved. Then you just click Save, Next, and finally Finish
  9. Open the CSR text file you created in a simple text editor, such as Notepad. You will need the contents of this file during the SSL certificate purchase process. Below is an example of what your CSR will look like:


Now, purchase your SSL certificate. A comparison of TRUSTZONES’s SSL certificates is available to help you select the appropriate option.

Finally, submit the contents of the CSR. During the purchase process you will be asked to copy and paste the contents of the CSR file into a field then complete the certificate request form and wait to be contacted by a member of the TRUSTZONE Vetting team. If you order a Business SSL or EV SSL, you will be contacted via phone. If you have ordered an Express SSL, you will receive a confirmation email.

Jon Tittmann

Vetting/Support Team Lead & OpEx

Jon has been an integral part of TRUSTZONE for the past six years, during which he has acquired substantial expertise in the cyber security field. As the team leader for our support team, he possesses a profound understanding of the sector, enabling him to resolve even the most complex challenges within the certificate industry effectively.

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